One night I was bored and I wanted something to read. Some people prefer novels, others prefer poems, I prefer an RFC or an specification. So I started to read the .ZIP File Format Specification .
The overall format of a .ZIP file can be found in paragraph 4.3.6 of the specification and is the following:
4.3.6 Overall .ZIP file format: [local file header 1] [encryption header 1] [file data 1] [data descriptor 1] . . . [local file header n] [encryption header n] [file data n] [data descriptor n] [archive decryption header] [archive extra data record] [central directory header 1] . . . [central directory header n] [zip64 end of central directory record] [zip64 end of central directory locator] [end of central directory record]
Lets take a closer look at local file header and central directory structure
4.3.7 Local file header: local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size)
4.3.12 Central directory structure: [central directory header 1] . . . [central directory header n] [digital signature] File header: central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) version made by 2 bytes version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file comment length 2 bytes disk number start 2 bytes internal file attributes 2 bytes external file attributes 4 bytes relative offset of local header 4 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size) file comment (variable size)
Did you see that? The file name can be found in two places . In local file header and in central directory structure under the File header
I was trying to find which file name I MUST use, when I extract the .zip file, but I was not able to find anything. This makes me wonder, what will happen if a zip archive contains one file name in the Local file header and a different one in File header of the central directory structure?
In order to test that, I created a .ZIP file which uses the file name “test.txt” in the local file header and the file name “test.exe” in the File header. The file is the same. The file is an executable. The only difference is the file name .

I have highlighted the hex values which indicate the start of the local file header and the one of the file header respectively. I have also highlighted the different file names.
I tested the above .ZIP file with different programs, libraries and sites.
It seems, that the (default/pre-installed) programs which are being used in order to unzip .ZIP files, in Linux and Windows, as well as the majority of the commercial and non commercial products, are mostly based on the file name which exists in the file header and not in the local file header .
However, there are exceptions in this rule. In fact there are many exceptions. Dropbox and JSZip (A library for creating, reading and editing .ZIP files with JavaScript, with more than 3.000.000 downloads weekly) are only two of them.
As it is presented, when we preview the .ZIP file in Dropbox, we can see that it contains a file with file name test.txt. However, when we download it we see another file name, the test.exe .
The same with JSZip. As we can observe, when we read the contents of the zip archive, we find a text file. However, when we extract it, we have an executable. The unzip detects that there is a different file name in the file header and a different one in the local file header
I didn’t see that coming. If you drag and drop the file, you get a test.exe . However, if you choose to extract the contents you get a test.txt
This behavior can lead to major vulnerabilities, and we would be more than happy to hear your story or idea, if you come up with something.
One scenario would be the following:
Let’s assume that a zip archive contains an executable, the test.exe. The .ZIP uses the file name “test.txt” in the “Local file header” and “test.exe” in the “file header” .
A site owner does not allow .ZIP files containing “*.exe” files to be uploaded to her server, so her web application checks with JSZip that the .ZIP does not contain files with “.exe” extension.
The JSZip, will report that the .ZIP contains the text file “test.txt” and thus the web application will allow the user to upload it.
However, if the web application does not extract .ZIP file with the JSZip, but instead of that, the site owner sends by e-mail these .ZIP files, or she does the extraction with the default windows unzip or with winrar or with the linux unzip, the “test.exe” is extracted.
What could possibly go wrong?
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Our 0-days cannot win Illicium. Today’s information technology landscape is threatened by modern adversary security attacks, including 0-day exploits, polymorphic malwares, APTs and targeted attacks. These threats cannot be identified and mitigated using classic detection and prevention technologies; they can mimic valid user activity, do not have a signature, and do not occur in patterns. In response to attackers’ evolution, defenders now have a new kind of weapon in their arsenal: Deception.
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